Archive for jewelcrafting

Alt-Bouncing, Spending Quality Time with Devv

Posted in WoW Observations with tags , , , , , , , , , on September 28, 2008 by Mark Pannell

Lately, when I play WoW, my time is spent bouncing between alts for various reasons. I have six toons who see regular action, another who sees occasional playing time, and an AH/bank mule. Five of the active toons are in my main’s guild. My fellow guildies make fun of me and say that I have multiple personality disorder.

Dantei, a level 215 Engineer, makes Crafted Heavy Shot for Kaddisfly. Ellyza disenchants low level greens, enchants my lowbie toons’ gear, then sells the excess mats at AH. Raulduke makes some rings and necklaces for my lowbies, but he’s about to give up Jewelcrafting for Skinning. Paired with Mining, he’ll be my workhorse out in the field, gathering mats for his brothers and sisters. Kaddisfly… well, he pretty much just takes without giving anything back. He needs his ammo from Dantei, his Rumsey’s Black Label Rum from his sugar momma, Devv, and his pots from his guildie, Airdrie. The only thing he does do for himself is fishing to feed Pignewton. Aside from that, his job is to pwn in BG’s, gathering marks and honor in anticipation of a possible ascension to level 29 to rule the 20-29 bracket.

When I am logged into my two accounts (Ellyza and Raulduke are a separate account), I bounce back and forth between five toons, sending each other mats and gold. If I did things intelligently, I would just create a guild for my alts and pool all of the mats and gold. But I really enjoy participating in guild chat while I’m crafting goodies and browsing the AH. Most of the time, the gang is all in IF, gaining mad quantities of rested XP. The upside is that when I do level them, I fly through each level. The downside is that they rarely get out of IF as I routinely need their skills and access to their respective bank tabs. But the biggest downside is that my main, Devv, has been kind of overlooked. She’s been stuck at level 62 for a couple weeks now. Her open quests are all in Zangarmarsh, but she hasn’t ventured farther than Brewfest from IF in a while. That is, until today.

Depending mostly on teleportation as a mode of transportation lately, I finally busted out the hearthstone and shot myself back into the thick of things. Zangarmarsh and the promise of gold and better gear became irresistable sometime before work this morning. I killed some Mire Hydras, collected some soil samples, turned in Unidentified Plant Parts for Cenarion Expedition rep, and got back to what I love about WoW: being a mage. Devv is about 90% through level 62 and I have every intention of dinging 63 tonight. After that, she’ll probably go back to camping out in IF for a while. I just can’t see leveling her right before a patch drops that reduces the XP required to level from 60 to 70. I know it’s probably laziness and a total noob move, but I’m not wasting any more time than necessary to get to 70. The quests are fun and all, but I’m more interested in PvP than end-game raiding.

Speaking of PvP, Kaddisfly will be entering WSG as a fully twinked level 19 for the first time tonight. Well, he’s not quite fully twinked. He stills needs Enchant 2H Weapon Agility on his Twisted Chanter’s Staff. And he needs the stamina enchant re-applied to his new bracers, but aside from that, he’s done. And working his way to 19 made me realize something. I want to level a Hunter. Yeah, yeah… I know. But they seem like a hell of a lot of fun. Screw it! I’m doing it!